Strategic Plan

Information technology (IT) is a critical enabler of government operations. All branches of government strive to improve constituent experiences by enhancing information security postures and promoting strategic efficiencies. 

ETS enables these efforts by ensuring IT solutions and initiatives are agile and utilize data analytics to improve policy and decision-making. 

To be successful, our organization must adapt and mature to ensure proper alignment with the requirements of today and tomorrow. 

W.S. 28-1-115 requires all state agencies to prepare a strategic plan with performance metrics to measure agency success. This document is organized by strategic themes; high-level strategies which set the tone for how we will provide value-based service. Strategic themes and associated goals are equally important and closely aligned.

Established in W.S. 9-2-2901, ETS serves as the centralized IT organization managing executive branch IT-infrastructure, telecommunications, and IT-services. The agency prepares it's budget biennially by working alongside executive branch agencies, boards, and commissions addressing unique business needs. The budget is composed of direct chargeback methods for fixed rate enhanced services and indirect chargeback methods for universal services. 

Strategic Theme

Maturing Governance

Maturing governance is a prime objective toward improving partnerships by adapting practices and delivering services to better align with department and citizen needs.

Goal 1 - Implement Enterprise Governance


Goal 2 - Improve Customer Communication


Goal 3 - Evaluate Effectiveness of IT Investments


Strategic Theme

Improving Services

Positive and supportive communication with our stakeholders promotes improved decision-making resulting in satisfied customers.

ETS service delivery and support activities will be monitored through well-defined agreements and will  include service-level agreements (SLAs), key performance indicators, and other metrics to ensure all parties can evaluate effectiveness of those agreements.

Goal 1 - Promote Continuous Improvement


Goal 2 - Improve Customer Service


Strategic Theme

Management of State Resources

Technology remains in a constant state of change and ETS must ensure its workforce remains agile by using workforce development strategies and developing a mechanism for maintaining the state’s IT portfolio. 

Goal 1 - Workforce Development


Goal 2 - Promote Financial  Transparency


Strategic Theme

Enhancing Cybersecurity

While IT has provided new ways for government entities to work with constituents and improve overall operations, it has also increased risks for cyber attacks and data breaches affecting government operations and eroding public trust. ETS must continuously strive to understand cybersecurity risks to ensure effective response and mitigation capabilities.

Goal 1 - Develop a Cybersecurity Roadmap & Framework


Goal 2 - Expand Cyber-Partnerships, Outreach, & Training


Goal 3 - Enhance and Improve the State's Cyber Ecosystem


Management of State Resources

Maturing Governance

Improving Services


Download The 2023-2026 Strategic Plan here