Anna Jacknitsky,
Chief of Communications and Public Relations

Anna Jacknitsky is an accomplished professional with a diverse background in hospitality, graphic design, web development, and marketing. She obtained a degree in hospitality in Italy in 1996. Upon relocating to the United States, Anna pursued her passion for graphic design, initially working as a catalog designer for an outdoor retailer in 2006. 

In 2012, she expanded her skill set by acquiring a web designer certificate from LCCC, which led to a transition into the company's web marketing department. Here, she worked closely with merchandisers, buyers, and photographers to create and implement successful marketing campaigns across various platforms, including email marketing, websites, store graphics, national magazines, and social media.

In 2017, Anna further augmented her expertise by earning a certificate in Full-stack Web Development and Design from the Array School of Technology and Design. Armed with this comprehensive knowledge, she embarked on a new chapter in 2018 as a Software Developer at the State of Wyoming Department of Enterprise Technology Services.

Anna's proficiency in both technology and marketing prompted her transition to the communications department in 2022. In this role, she combined her extensive marketing experience with her technical skills to create innovative communication strategies for the agency. Her transition to the communications department also expanded her knowledge base to include legislative affairs, further enriching her contributions at the intersection of technology and government relations.

In recognition of her contributions, Anna was promoted to Chief of Communications and Public Relations in May 2024. There, she continues to lead the agency's communication efforts with forward-thinking strategies and initiatives that enhance stakeholder alignment and elevate the agency's public image and communication efforts. 

Anna was born and raised in Italy and moved across continents with her Navy spouse. She is now the proud parent of two young men and a loving mom to three furry babies. During her free time, Anna enjoys spending time with her church family, honing her culinary skills, or traveling with her family and exploring new places, cultures, and cuisines.

Anna is a confident and accomplished professional who has made significant contributions to her field and continues to drive innovation and excellence in all of her endeavors.