Application Programming
(Enhanced Service)

ETS Business Application Solutions provides custom application programming to meet State agency’s business needs. ETS can help agencies apply the appropriate technology to best meet their unique business needs.

Customer Benefits

The customer saves money due to lower hourly rates than those of private industry developers. They will have increased control over the project or request. In addition, these experienced ETS teams already possess existing knowledge of the State's current computer infrastructure.

Requesting This Service

For questions and arrangements with ETS service provisioning, please visit our Customer Portal. A quote will be prepared upon request by an agency for development time and must be approved and signed prior to the start of the project. Agency staff must be available for on-going involvement in every aspect of development to ensure the solution will meet their needs. ETS staff will provide a quote of billable work and on-going charges. They will accomplish the research of the project and programming of the application. Additionally, they will perform the database and/or website implementation, as well as the database administration for pushing the application to the production environment.

Service Level Objectives

ETS will meet the customer’s business objectives for the project and provide agile development approaches empowering the customer to control the direction of work. ETS staff will also conduct regular sprint backlog estimates to enable the customer to better manage the immediate and ongoing costs of the project.