WyoTraining - Learning Management System (Enhanced Service)
WyoTraining is delivered using Moodle, an open source Learning Management System (LMS) providing the infrastructure and interface to deliver high-quality online training 24x7 to staff and citizens in Wyoming via wyotraining.wyo.gov.
Customer Benefits
WyoTraining is a robust, enterprise level LMS used to create and deliver 24x7 training to staff and citizens in Wyoming. State employees can easily login with their @wyo.gov email address for a simple/secure connection. Non-state employees can also be added to receive agency created training from their home.
Using an LMS allows course creators to deliver trackable training to ensure students have completed the required material. Activities can be restricted based on a desired completion date, other activities being first completed, a specific grade level, etc. Reports are generated based on those trackable activities to ensure a student has progressed through the course to the teacher’s standards. WyoTraining has over 20 activities to choose from to deliver handouts, quizzes, forums, embedded videos and feedback.
The LMS can be enhanced using additional software to deliver high quality Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) content. Articulate and Adobe Captivate are examples used with great success. Using additional applications, course creators can narrate, provide drag-n-drop interactions, and learning checks to keep the material engaging and to ensure the student is following along. When purchasing Moodle/WyoTraining, all sub-agencies/divisions are included at no additional cost.
Requesting This Service
For general inquiries regarding this service, please contact Matt Nagy (matthew.nagy@wyo.gov)
Dedicate staff to be course creators to design and build their own courses.
Authoring software is an additional expense.
Service Level Objectives
ETS is committed to keeping the LMS operational using redundant systems to make modifications and initial upgrades on a testing server before moving those changes to the production server.