Teleconferencing (Enhanced Service)

Teleconferencing is a managed communication service between multiple sites linked by voice telecommunication devices such as a conference phone. It is an essential communication tool used for business meetings, project management, seminars, training sessions, public information discussions, conference planning sessions, employment interviews and many other business needs.

Customer Benefits

Teleconferencing can increase efficiency, allowing for audio and/or video communications when a face-to-face meeting is not feasible due to distance. It is an effective alternative to travel; providing a way to meet with several disparate groups of people. It also works well in a crisis when all participants are not able to travel or immediate information and data is needed from someone not on location.

Requesting This Service

Please submit a service request in the Customer Portal or by contacting the ETS Service Desk at 307-777-5000 Customer involvement is essential to resolving issues; therefore, the customer will need to provide the appropriate knowledgeable resource(s) to work with ETS.

The customer will need to identify the type of teleconferencing service desired such as Leader Phone and Uberconference. Services like Uberconference can be set up by the customer using a P-card.